Cannot export mutable field 'x' without revealing its enclosing class 'A'
An example of this error is the code
module M {
provides A,, // want to export foo, which refers to x
A.x // to make export set self-consistent, need to export x
class A {
var x: int
function method foo(): int
reads this
which produces the error
ERROR_MutableField.dfy(5,19): Error: Cannot export mutable field 'x' without revealing its enclosing class 'A'
1 resolution/type errors detected in ERROR_MutableField.dfy
By only providing A
, importers will know that A
is a type,
but won’t know that it is a reference type (here, a class).
This makes it illegal to refer to a mutable field such as in the reads clause.
So, you have to export A by revealing it.
Note, export reveals A
does not export the members of A
(except, it does export the anonymous constructor of A, if there is one).
So, you still have control over which members of A to export.
The following code verifies without error:
module M {
reveals A
provides, // want to export foo, which refers to x
A.x // to make export set self-consistent, need to export x
class A {
var x: int
function method foo(): int
reads this