How do I use `forall` statements and expressions in a lemma?
If I’m trying to prove a lemma in Dafny with a forall
statement that needs help in the body ({}
) of the lemma, how do I make an arbitrary variable in the body of the lemma to help prove the forall
Note that there is a difference between a forall
expression, which is a universally quantified formula, and a forall
statement, which is used to establish the truth of a universally quantified formula. To do what you want to do, write:
lemma MyLemma()
ensures forall s :: P(s) ==> Q(s)
forall t | P(t)
ensures Q(t)
// Here, t is in scope, and P(t) is assumed.
// Your task here is to prove Q(t) for this particular t.
// Here, you get to assume "forall t :: P(t) ==> Q(t)"
The forall
in the ensures is an expression and the forall
in the body of the lemma is a statement.
This use of the forall
statement is what logicians call “universal introduction”.
Note the slight difference in syntax between the forall
expression and forall
Although Dafny tries to make the syntax of these sorts of things as similar as possible between expressions and statements, there are some differences.
The following Dafny Power User note may be helpful in understanding the syntax: Dafny Power User: Statement vs. Expression Syntax.