

Structuring a program by breaking it into parts is an important part of creating large programs. In Dafny, this is accomplished via modules. Modules provide a way to group together related types, classes, methods, functions, and other modules, as well as control the scope of declarations. Modules may import each other for code reuse, and it is possible to abstract over modules to separate an implementation from an interface.

Declaring New Modules

A new module is declared with the module keyword, followed by the name of the new module, and a pair of curly braces ({}) enclosing the body of the module:

module Mod {

A module body can consist of anything that you could put at the toplevel. This includes classes, datatypes, types, methods, functions, etc.

module Mod {
  class C {
    var f: int
    method m()
  datatype Option = A(int) | B(int)
  type T
  method m()
  function f(): int

You can also put a module inside another, in a nested fashion:

module Mod {
  module Helpers {
    class C {
      method doIt()
      var f: int

Then you can refer to the members of the Helpers module within the Mod module by prefixing them with “Helpers.”. For example:

module Mod {
  module Helpers {
    class C {
      constructor () { f := 0; }
      method doIt()
      var f: int
  method m() {
    var x := new Helpers.C();
    x.f := 4;

Methods and functions defined at the module level are available like classes, with just the module name prefixing them. They are also available in the methods and functions of the classes in the same module.

module Mod {
  module Helpers {
    function addOne(n: nat): nat {
      n + 1
  method m() {
    var x := 5;
    x := Helpers.addOne(x); // x is now 6

By default, definitions of functions (and predicates) are exposed outside of the module they are defined in. This can be controlled more precisely with export sets, as we will see in the following section. So adding

module Mod {
  module Helpers {
    function addOne(n: nat): nat {
      n + 1
  method m() {
    var x := 5;
    x := Helpers.addOne(x);
    assert x == 6; // this will succeed

to the end of m() will verify.

Importing and Exporting Modules

Declaring new submodules is useful, but sometimes you want to refer to things from an existing module, such as a library. In this case, you can import one module into another. This is done via the import keyword, and there are a few different forms, each of which has a different meaning. The simplest kind is the concrete import, and has the form import A = B. This declaration creates a reference to the module B (which must already exist), and binds it to the new name A. Note this new name, i.e. A, is only bound in the module containing the import declaration; it does not create a global alias. For example, if Helpers was defined outside of Mod, then we could import it:

module Helpers {
  function addOne(n: nat): nat
    n + 1
module Mod {
  import A = Helpers
  method m() {
    assert A.addOne(5) == 6;

Note that inside m(), we have to use A instead of Helpers, as we bound it to a different name. The name Helpers is not available inside m(), as only names that have been bound inside Mod are available. In order to use the members from another module, it either has to be declared there with module or imported with import.

We don’t have to give Helpers a new name, though, if we don’t want to. We can write import Helpers = Helpers if we want to, and Dafny even provides the shorthand import Helpers for this behavior. You can’t bind two modules with the same name at the same time, so sometimes you have to use the = version to ensure the names do not clash.

Export sets

By default, an import will give access to all declarations (and their definitions) from the imported module. To control this more precisely we can instead use export sets. Each export set may have a list of declarations from the current module, given as provides or reveals. An export without a name is considered the default export for that module, and is used when no set is explicitly named.

module Helpers {
  export Spec provides addOne, addOne_result
  export Body reveals addOne
  export extends Spec
  function addOne(n: nat): nat
    n + 1
  lemma addOne_result(n : nat)
     ensures addOne(n) == n + 1
  { }

In this example we declare 3 export sets, the Spec set grants access to the addOne function, but since it is declared with provides it does not give access to its definition. The Body export set declares addOne as reveals, which now gives access to the body of addOne. Finally, the default export is given as an extends of Spec, indicating that it simply gives all the declared exports that Spec does.

We can now choose any of these export sets when importing Helpers and get different views of it.

module Helpers {
  export Spec provides addOne, addOne_result
  export Body reveals addOne
  export extends Spec
  function addOne(n: nat): nat
    n + 1
  lemma addOne_result(n: nat)
     ensures addOne(n) == n + 1
  { }

module Mod1 {
  import A = Helpers`Body
  method m() {
    assert A.addOne(5) == 6; // succeeds, we have access to addOne's body
  method m2() {
    //A.addOne_result(5); // error, addOne_result is not exported from Body
    assert A.addOne(5) == 6;
module Mod2 {
  import A = Helpers`Spec
  method m() {
    assert A.addOne(5) == 6; // fails, we don't have addOne's body
  method m2() {
    assert A.addOne(5) == 6; // succeeds due to result from addOne_result
module Mod3 {
  import A = Helpers
  method m() {
    assert A.addOne(5) == 6; // fails, we don't have addOne's body

We may also use export sets to control which type definitions are available. All type declarations (i.e. newtype, type, datatype, etc.) can be exported as provides or reveals. In the former case, modules which import that type will treat it as an abstract type.

module Helpers {
  export provides f, T
  export Body reveals f, T
  type T = int
  function f(): T { 0 }
module Mod {
  import A = Helpers
  function g(): A.T { 0 } // error, T is not known to be int, or even numeric
  function h(): A.T { A.f() } // okay

Once an export has been imported that reveals a previously abstract type, all existing uses of it are known to be the inner type.

module Helpers {
  export provides f, T
  export Body reveals f, T
  type T = int
  function f(): T { 0 }
module Mod {
  import A = Helpers
  function h(): A.T { A.f() }
module Mod2 {
  import M = Mod
  import A = Helpers`Body
  function j(): int
    ensures j() == 0 //succeeds
  { M.h() }

As a convenient shorthand, the special identifier “*” can be given after provides or reveals to indicate that all declarations should be either provided or revealed.

module A {
   export All reveals * // reveals T, f, g
   export Spec provides * // provides T, f, g
   export Some provides * reveals g // provides T, f reveals g
   type T = int
   function f(): T { 0 }
   function g(): int { 2 }

We can also provide multiple exports at once to create an aggregate import.

module A {
  export Justf reveals f
  export JustT reveals T
  type T = int
  function f(): int { 0 }
module B {
  import A`{Justf,JustT}
  function g(): A.T { A.f() }

Export Consistency

An export set must always present a coherent view of a module: anything that appears in an exported declaration must itself be exported. Revisiting the previous example, we could not create an export set that reveals f without also revealing T, because the return type of f is T. This is for the simple reason that we would create a type constraint 0 : T which cannot be solved if T is opaque. Similarly we cannot create an export set that provides or reveals f if we do not also at least provide T.

module Helpers {
  export provides f, T // good
  export Body reveals f, T // good
  export BadSpec reveals f provides T // bad
  export BadSpec2 provides f // bad
  type T = int
  function f(): T { 0 }

Since we may define modules which contain both import and export declarations, we may need to export declarations from foreign modules in order to create a consistent export set. Declarations from foreign modules cannot be included in an export directly, however the import that provided them can.

module Helpers {
  export provides f, T
  type T = int
  function f(): T { 0 }

module Mod {
  import A = Helpers
  export Try1 reveals h // error
  export Try2 reveals h provides A.f, A.T // error, can't provide these directly
  export reveals h provides A // good
  function h(): A.T { A.f() }

When importing Mod we now also gain qualified access to what is provided in its import A. We may also choose to directly import these, to give them a shorter name.

module Helpers {
  export provides f, T
  type T = int
  function f(): T { 0 }
module Mod {
  export reveals h provides A
  import A = Helpers
  function h(): A.T { A.f() }
module Mod2 {
  import M = Mod
  import MA = M.A
  function j(): M.A.T { M.h() }
  function k(): MA.T { j() }

Opening Modules

Sometimes prefixing the members of the module you imported with the name is tedious and ugly, even if you select a short name when importing it. In this case, you can import the module as “opened”, which causes all of its members to be available without adding the module name. The opened keyword must immediately follow import, if it is present. For example, we could write the previous addOne example as:

module Helpers {
  function addOne(n: nat): nat
    n + 1
module Mod {
  import opened Helpers
  method m() {
    assert addOne(5) == 6;

When opening modules, the newly bound members will have low priority, so they will be hidden by local definitions. This means if you define a local function called addOne, the function from Helpers will no longer be available under that name. When modules are opened, the original name binding is still present however, so you can always use the name that was bound to get to anything that is hidden.

module Helpers {
  function addOne(n: nat): nat
    n + 1
module Mod {
  import opened Helpers
  function addOne(n: nat): nat {
    n + 2
  method m() {
    assert addOne(5) == 6; // this is now false,
                           // as this is the function just defined
    assert Helpers.addOne(5) == 6; // this is still true

If you open two modules that both declare members with the same name, then neither member can be referred to without a module prefix, as it would be ambiguous which one was meant. Just opening the two modules is not an error, however, as long as you don’t attempt to use members with common names. The opened keyword can be used with any kind of import declaration, including the module abstraction form.

Module Abstraction

Sometimes, using a specific implementation is unnecessary; instead, all that is needed is a module that implements some interface. In that case, you can use an abstract module import. In Dafny, this is written import A : B. This means bind the name A as before, but instead of getting the exact module B, you get any module which is a refinement of B. Typically, the module B may have abstract type definitions, classes with bodyless methods, or otherwise be unsuitable to use directly. Because of the way refinement is defined, any refinement of B can be used safely. For example, if we start with:

abstract module Interface {
  function addSome(n: nat): nat
    ensures addSome(n) > n
abstract module Mod {
  import A : Interface
  method m() {
    assert 6 <= A.addSome(5);

then we can be more precise if we know that addSome actually adds exactly one. The following module has this behavior. Further, the postcondition is stronger, so this is actually a refinement of the Interface module.

abstract module Interface {
  function addSome(n: nat): nat
    ensures addSome(n) > n
abstract module Mod {
  import A : Interface
  method m() {
    assert 6 <= A.addSome(5);
module Implementation refines Interface {
  function addSome(n: nat): nat
    ensures addSome(n) == n + 1
    n + 1

We can then substitute Implementation for A in a new module, by declaring a refinement of Mod which defines A to be Implementation.

abstract module Interface {
  function addSome(n: nat): nat
    ensures addSome(n) > n
abstract module Mod {
  import A : Interface
  method m() {
    assert 6 <= A.addSome(5);
module Implementation refines Interface {
  function addSome(n: nat): nat
    ensures addSome(n) == n + 1
    n + 1
module Mod2 refines Mod {
  import A = Implementation
  method m() {
    // this is now provable, because we know A is Implementation
    assert 6 == A.addSome(5);

When you refine an abstract import into a concrete one, the concrete module must be an explicit refinement of the abstract one (i.e. declared with refines).

Module Ordering and Dependencies

Dafny isn’t particular about which order the modules appear in, but they must follow some rules to be well formed. As a rule of thumb, there should be a way to order the modules in a program such that each only refers to things defined before it in the source text. That doesn’t mean the modules have to be given in that order. Dafny will figure out that order for you, assuming you haven’t made any circular references. For example, this is pretty clearly meaningless:

import A = B
import B = A

You can have import statements at the toplevel, and you can import modules defined at the same level:

import A = B
method m() {
module B {
  method whatever() {}

In this case, everything is well defined because we can put B first, followed by the A import, and then finally m(). If there is no ordering, then Dafny will give an error, complaining about a cyclic dependency.

Note that when rearranging modules and imports, they have to be kept in the same containing module, which disallows some pathological module structures. Also, the imports and submodules are always considered to be first, even at the toplevel. This means that the following is not well formed:

method doIt() { }
module M {
  method m() {

because the module M must come before any other kind of members, such as methods. To define global functions like this, you can put them in a module (called Globals, say) and open it into any module that needs its functionality. Finally, if you import via a path, such as import A = B.C, then this creates a dependency of A on B, as we need to know what B is (is it abstract or concrete, or a refinement?).

Name Resolution

When Dafny sees something like A.B.C, how does it know what each part refers to? The process Dafny uses to determine what identifier sequences like this refer to is name resolution. Though the rules may seem complex, usually they do what you would expect. Dafny first looks up the initial identifier. Depending on what the first identifier refers to, the rest of the identifier is looked up in the appropriate context. The full rules are described in the Reference Manual:

  • The first component is looked up in the local scope, which may be a block of a method, the declarations of a type, or the local names in a module. For a module, the local names include those brought in by import opened, though these can be shadowed by non-imported local names. The names brought in by an import depend on which export set is designated (perhaps by default) in the import declaration.
  • Then subsequent identifiers are looked up in the scope of the qualified name prefix interpreted so far.

There are slightly modified rules for (a) the qualified names used in module import and refine declarations, (b) the name of a datatype that is the same as the name of its containing module, and (c) the names of datatype constructors, if they are unambiguous (they often do not need a prefixing name of the data type itself).